Floor Coaching
Floor Coaching is all about how you create better results by TEAMWORK and EMPOWERMENT
Floor Coaching aims to increase understanding of weakness in the performance, add motivation and create stronger commitments for the Improvement work, irrespective of which concept or method you currently work accordingly to. Floor Coaching does not compete with any Improvement methods. Instead it is a smart Management tool (Coach4Coach tool) in order to achieve results faster.
Floor Coaching creates a common view of understanding of problems, reasons and solutions and unites different skills within Production and Maintenance to a powerful Workforce ready to achieve permanent improvements. To be given the opportunity to influences on your own working situation is a highly contributing factor to increased work satisfaction and superior results.
Despite fantastic initiatives of different occupational role in the factory the results will, nevertheless, not reach the level expected. A wide range of reasons are spread out, What and Where and Why. As engineer, one often search after the reason in technical terms despite that the most common factor often is ”the humane factor”.
Most People have a “special talent” of putting forward precisely their own individual problems as ”the definitely most important one”. Floor Coaching creates one common understanding for THE OVERALL PICTURE and makes it easier to agree about and prioritize and to accept the sequence on the activities that Management wants to improve.
• A great inspiration tool for Managers when it comes to motivate
team members,
• Creates big commitment and interests among employees to improve, • Graphical pictures creates one clear ”overall picture” and pursue fast to
• Start, opens up, a creative behavior,
• Useful and supportive to each and every improvement work, • Gives detailed and multidimensional information which leads to
improved safety, efficiency and productivity, • Graphical pictures and comments make the results easy to use for all
frontrunners at all levels, • Perfectly used at all types of development and improvement needs
where employees are at large.